On 18 August, Camp Aftermath was invited to attend the annual Bradley Estates Family Fun Day Event.
It was a truly amazing experience as we met dozens of veterans and first responders from across the city who were eager to learn about our unique approach of using volunteerism as a tool for long-term management of PTSD.
We also met Ottawa Mayor, Jim Watson, M.P. for Orléans, Andrew Leslie, M.P.P for Orléans, Marie-France Lalonde amongst many other supporters of Camp Aftermath.

Camp Aftermath with Ottawa Mayor, Jim Watson, Yasmin Fathers and the crew from the 501st Legion

Camp Aftermath with M.P Andrew Leslie, M.P.P Marie-France Lalonde and Yasmin Fathers
A special thanks to Yasmin Fathers from the Bradley Estates Community Association who invited Camp Aftermath to their Family Fun Day and donated $150 to our cause.
We are also incredibly grateful to the 501st Legion who showed up with their amazing Star Wars costumes. They raised over $400 for Camp Aftermath by donating all donations gained from all those in attendance who wanted to take pictures with them.
How you can help
There are currently many amazing programs that focus on helping veterans and first responders suffering from PTSD. If you believe in our cause, please help us make Roto 0, our first retreat, a success and consider donating to our campaign on Canada Helps.
We are a registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency. For more information, please visit our status page on the Canada Revenue Agency website.
Thank you,