Our Seinfeld Trivia Night Fundraiser event was attended by over 50 people. Lots of laughs were had as friends new and old gathered to have their Seinfeld knowledge tested to the limits. Over $250 worth of prizes were handed out to the top three teams. Our 50/50 winner also walked away with a cool $200!

Our MC, Jamie Phillips
By the end of the night, over $1600 was raised, which brought us closer to our $10,000 goal of funding our three-phased program in early 2019. What was most exciting about this night was not the dollar amount, but the growing number of people supporting our cause and the overwhelming positive feedback.

Over 50 people in attendance
Stay tuned as we will be announcing our October event shortly!
A special thanks to the Arrow &Loon Pub and all who attended this fun-filled night.
How you can help
There are currently many amazing programs that focus on helping veterans and first responders suffering from PTSD. If you believe in our cause, please help us make a difference in the live of five military veterans and first responders slated to experience our three-phased program in early 2019. You can donate to our campaign on Canada Helps.
We are a registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency. For more information, please visit our status page on the Canada Revenue Agency website.
Thank you,